Belcrest House

 General Residential Operation- (GRO)

Sam’s Heart Provide High-Quality Programming

GROs generally serve children and youth in foster care or those who need temporary, long-term, or emergency shelter due to abuse, neglect, or other family issues. GROs typically provide basic care and support services, such as shelter, food, clothing, education, and recreation.

  1. Personalized care plans: Develop individualized care plans that address each child’s unique needs, strengths, and goals.
  2. Structured routine: Provide a structured daily routine that includes meals, school, therapy, recreation, and other activities to promote a sense of safety and security.
  3. Trauma-informed care: Train staff to recognize and respond to the effects of trauma on children’s behavior and emotions, and provide services to help them heal.
  4. Collaborative case management: Work closely with case managers, therapists, and other professionals involved in the child’s care to ensure consistency and continuity of support.
  5. Life skills training: Offer educational and practical support to help children develop important skills for independent living, such as budgeting, job search, and healthy relationships.
  6. Family engagement: Encourage and support family involvement in the child’s care and help them develop strategies to strengthen their relationships and create a supportive environment.

Sam's Family and History

Please know that we still have lots of families without power throughout communities. Our prayers go out to those communities and will keep you posted as we overcome this aftermath of Beryl.